Subject: 100% coverage and 0% unmet demand Posted: 6/5/2024 Viewed: 1602 times
I have input all the data and the coverage is showing 100% with 0% unmet demand. Are these correct results, and if yes, what does it mean?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: 100% coverage and 0% unmet demand Posted: 6/5/2024 Viewed: 1595 times
The results mean that all of your demands are fully met and are able to get supplies to cover the full demand. Hence 100% coverage and 0% unmet demand.
I can't say whether or not the results are correct. Are the results what you expected? If you go to results for Water Demand and Supply Delivered, are those results what you expected? You could break those results down by individual demand node and assess if each one is what you expected. Note that if there is 0 Water Demand, WEAP would also show 100% coverage.