Subject: Simulation of WWTP operation Posted: 5/6/2024 Viewed: 2076 times
I am planning to simulate the operation of 11 waste water treatment plants with different capacities in different urban areas, whereby I want to check when their capacities will be exceeded as the years go by into the future due to the increase in waste water generated from urban population growth. My design horizons are 2024 (the current year) and going up to 2050. I have three growth rate scenarios. To generate the waste water, I am using a certain fraction of the total water that is consumed. How can I link all this to WEAP? Thank you.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Simulation of WWTP operation Posted: 5/7/2024 Viewed: 2035 times
Dear Simeon,
You'll need to add all 11 WWTPs to your model, along with relevant data such as their respective capacities. You can model the demand as one or multiple demand sites. If fewer demand sites than WWTPs, you will need to direct different fractions of the return flow to the relevant WWTPs. You will input the projected changes in population (as well as any projected changes in per capita use) into the demand site(s).
For more on getting started in WEAP, please reference the Tutorial and Videos linked on the left side of the WEAP website.
Mr. Simeon wambugu
Subject: Re: Simulation of WWTP operation Posted: 5/17/2024 Viewed: 1752 times
So the return flow in this case will be the waste water?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Simulation of WWTP operation Posted: 5/28/2024 Viewed: 1612 times
Yes, the return flow links between your demand sites and the WWTPs would represent the wastewater.