Subject: délimitation Bassin versant Posted: 4/17/2024 Viewed: 1445 times
Dans la délimitation automatique des bassins versants avec WEAP, comment introduire les cordonnées de l'exutoire du bassin versant?
To answer your question- "In the automatic delimitation of watersheds with WEAP, how to introduce the coordinates of the watershed outlet?"
In catchment delineation mode, the downstream boundary of the watershed will end at the limit of your "Set Area Boundaries". You can further adjust the boundary of your watershed by activating catchment delineation mode and moving your mouse to the downstream "pour point" and dragging the pour point.
To identify the proper coordinate you wish to use for this downstream boundary, you could right click on the schematic --> Background Image Layer to visually identify the location. You could also upload a shapefile (use WGS1984) with the coordinates you wish to use built in.
Alternatively, outside of catchment delineation mode, you could use WEAP's API (automatic programming interface) feature to place model objects at specified coordinates. See the WEAP help for "Application API" and "Branch API" for more details.