Subject: unable to draw nodes on WEAP Shematic file for my indus basin command area Posted: 10/7/2023 Viewed: 1719 times
I am countering with the very basic issue that despite I have set the boundaries. However, still I am not able to draw nodes on the view file of my area.
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: unable to draw nodes on WEAP Shematic file for my indus basin command area Posted: 2/15/2024 Viewed: 1073 times
Apologies for the slow response-
You are correct in thinking to first try and modify your Set Area Boundaries. You could try going to Schematic --> Set WEAP Node Size and seeing if perhaps you made them too small. Could it be a license issue? The free version of WEAP has a limit on the number of nodes.
Did you end up finding a solution that you could share here so we all can learn?
Topic "unable to draw nodes on WEAP Shematic file for my indus basin command area"