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All Topics | Topic "XA Solver error with multi-reservoir model."
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Mr. Ignacio Aguirre

Subject: XA Solver error with multi-reservoir model.   
Posted: 8/20/2023 Viewed: 2905 times

In a multi-reservoir model running with WEAP 2023, we got the following errors:

ERROR: Failure to solve in Nov 10, 2044. Results not available for this day and may not be accurate in later days. (Error Code = 2, ErrorNumber = 0, Error Message = "Failed while solving allocation order 19 (last=33), iteration 1, total iterations for this month 23 (Scenario: CC)") Solver: XA 16.80

ERROR: Failure to solve in Sep 24, 2061. Results not available for this day and may not be accurate in later days. (Error Code = 2, ErrorNumber = 0, Error Message = "Failed while solving allocation order 29 (last=33), iteration 1, total iterations for this month 43 (Scenario: CC)") Solver: XA 16.80

We did not get the errors running with the LP Solver; however, the time changed from 1 hour to 2.5. Is there any way to increase the number of total iterations in the XA Solver o another modification to fix the issue while keeping the XA Solver?

Kind regards,

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: XA Solver error with multi-reservoir model.   
Posted: 9/22/2023 Viewed: 2669 times
There is no way to change the number of iterations.
You can change the WEAP schematic to show the order of allocations (transmission links, reservoirs, other demands)--in the Schematic menu, go to Change Priority View and select View Allocation Order. This will enable you to identify what is "allocation order 19" and look more carefully at that to see if you can identify the problem. Sometimes if there are demands with a widely varying scale, it might disrupt the model.
The other thing to try would be to revert to a version that was working and use Export Expressions to Excel to compare the changes between the old model and the new.
Topic "XA Solver error with multi-reservoir model."