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All Topics | Topic "change water quality will be change the result ?"
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Mr. Tsai-Jung Chiang

Subject: change water quality will be change the result ?   
Posted: 11/24/2022 Viewed: 3319 times
I am a novice.
I only have one main river, and I set the upper, middle and lower reaches.
Population, temperature, rainfall and water quality were entered separately. And predict the water quality changes in the next 2050.
I found that no matter how I changed the rainfall and temperature, the water quality did not change.
But once I change the water quality. For example, if I specifically choose a single year, or 2-3 years, the results will be different.

My question is, shouldn't it be the change in rainfall and temperature that will cause the water quality to change?
Eng. Jesús Segovia

Subject: Re: change water quality will be change the result ?   
Posted: 11/26/2022 Viewed: 3300 times
An increase in rainfall can increase the values of nitrogenous components in the waters of the reservoir basins. This is suggested by a study in the Magazine Science, (https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.aan2409). And if you are located in a delta of a coastal lagoon, these contributions can alter the dissolved oxygen values.
Best regards
Topic "change water quality will be change the result ?"