Subject: Streamflow data USGS Posted: 11/18/2022 Viewed: 4430 times
I'm trying to link many streamflow gauges stations into WEAP with daily data from the USGS water database. There are more than 100 stations that I need to work with. Do I have to develop one model for each station, or can I do it automatically?
Thanks for your attention.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Streamflow data USGS Posted: 12/2/2022 Viewed: 4232 times
Dear Isabela,
You'll probably want to add all streamflow gauges to the same model to more robustly represent your modelled area. Placement of stations might be made easier by bringing a shapefile of the stations into WEAP and then using that to locate your gauge nodes in the model. You can automate data input to some degree by naming the stations to match the csv files (or column names if all gauges' data are together in one file) and then inputting the file/data location by using the Data Export... and Data Import... options in WEAP, and using formulas in Excel to populate the file locations for each gauge.