Subject: How about one reservoir has many turbine? Posted: 7/30/2022 Viewed: 4038 times
I have a reservoir which has 4 turbines. How do I get the right power generation?
Thx for the help.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: How about one reservoir has many turbine? Posted: 8/11/2022 Viewed: 3863 times
Hi Jingheng,
The hydropower generated in WEAP is a function of the mass of water (1000 kg / m^3) through the turbines multiplied by the drop in elevation; the plant factor (fraction of time on-line); the generating efficiency; and a conversion factor. With multiple turbines, you will want to determine the maximum turbine flow for the sum of the four turbines and enter that as data for Max. Turbine Flow.
If your turbines are at different elevations, you can make the Maximum Turbine Flow a function of reservoir storage.