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All Topics | Topic "Automating WEAP with VBA"
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Ms. Zahra Karimi

Subject: Automating WEAP with VBA   
Posted: 6/24/2022 Viewed: 4147 times
Hi, I have simulated a river basin in WEAP to do my thesis. Now I have to allocate water among the users of the basin in a way that is economically optimal for the whole basin. Does anyone have any idea how and with what tools this can be done? I think automating WEAP with VBA is a good solution, but I have a problem with scripting VBA and linking that to WEAP. I get some errors that can not fix using the instructions. If there is anyone who specializes in automating WEAP with VBA, I can explain the exact errors, and if anyone has a better idea, I look forward to knowing about that. Thank you all for your attention.
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Automating WEAP with VBA   
Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 67 times

More information on the WEAP API functionality with VBA can be found in the WEAP Help for "Automating WEAP (API)". Please note that WEAP is an allocation model rather than an optimization model. You may have to customize your WEAP inputs in expression builder in order to achieve the optimization you are looking for.

Apologies that we did not get back to you originally.
Topic "Automating WEAP with VBA"