Subject: Labels don't display Posted: 5/16/2022 Viewed: 5197 times
Hi! Labels are not been displayed even though I change the size of labels in "Set Weap Node Label Size" en the schematic menu. I really need labels to identify catchments and demand points.
Thank you in advance!
Mr. Guillaume Simoncini
Subject: Re: Labels don't display Posted: 6/9/2022 Viewed: 4948 times
I have the same issue. I made a first model and everything is fine but for my second model I can't display labels.
Please let my know if you find the answer
Mr. Guillaume Simoncini
Subject: Re: Labels don't display Posted: 6/9/2022 Viewed: 4941 times
Again me. I resolved my issue with the option "Set WEAP Node Label Size". I know you already tried it but you can put the max size and dezoom your screen to find the labels.
I don't know why but mine where very far from my points.
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Labels don't display Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 63 times
For those wondering about the appearance of WEAP labels-
As you have mentioned, you can first go to Schematic --> Set WEAP Node Label Size. You can also right click on the schematic and go to Set Area Boundaries. Very large or small area boundaries can affect the appearance of the objects and labels. Finally, right click on an object and click Move Label to adjust the position of the label for each object. Sometimes modifying the label sizes can affect their position.