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All Topics | Topic "Change the default path file"
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Mr. Cristian Farfan Llanos

Subject: Change the default path file   
Posted: 3/22/2022 Viewed: 4936 times
Hi everyone, I hope I can change the default path to save and store all data used by WEAP. Everything works well but I do not like the messy files in my documents directory. I am almost new about using WEAP. I want to store all the data inside a directory called "WEAP" inside the "Documents" one.Thank you so much for the support.

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Change the default path file   
Posted: 3/23/2022 Viewed: 4932 times
When WEAP is installed, it asks where it should store its data files, suggesting a folder named "WEAP Areas" under the Documents folder. If you later decide to change the location of this folder, you need to edit the Windows Registry.

Exit WEAP, then run the Windows Registry Editor (regedit) and look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stockholm Environment Institute\WEAP\AreasPath. Right click on “AreasPath” on the left and choose Delete. Close the Registry Editor. When you next start WEAP, it will ask you where you want to put the Areas Folder.

Note that if you have already created WEAP models in the old location, you will need to move them to the new location yourself -- WEAP will not move them for you.


Topic "Change the default path file"