I'm using the WEAP in my research and I started the calibration stage of the model. I'm using the observed values of a station located in my studying area.
To calibrate, I used 4 parameters (Runoff Resistance Factor, Root Zone Conductivity, Deep Conductivity and Preferred Flow Direction), but visually, the peak flows weren't good in the calibration. So, besides of this ones, I would like to know if is there other parameter of the Soil Moisture Method that specifically contributtes better to achieve a good result to peak flows.
Thanks in advance,
Eng. Icaro Dias
Ms. Gabriela Gallardo
Subject: Re: Calibration - Peak Flows Posted: 12/7/2021 Viewed: 6097 times
Hi Mr. Icaro
Maybe you were able to resolve this concern? I also use the same 4 parameters.
I have the same doubt. Thanks
Dr. Marta Domenech
Subject: Re: Calibration - Peak Flows Posted: 2/15/2022 Viewed: 5813 times
Dear Mr. Icaro and Ms Gabriela,
I have the same doubt. I'm doing my calibration with the same 4 parametres and I cannot predict well the peaks flows.