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All Topics | Topic "MABIA-WEAP Toturial"
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Ms. Elahe Goodarzi

Subject: MABIA-WEAP Toturial   
Posted: 8/2/2021 Viewed: 6615 times
I am working with the MABIA-WEAP. I need the exercise project file which described in the guide (MABIA-WEAP Toturial.zip).
I downloaded Data and PDF: (WEAP-MABIA Tutorial (PDF, 4 MB)
WEAP-MABIA Tutorial Data (zip, 10 KB)). But I need a project file (MABIA-WEAP Toturial.zip) to make sure it works.
I appreciated for any convenience.
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: MABIA-WEAP Toturial   
Posted: 8/2/2021 Viewed: 6610 times
You can download the data for the WEAP-MABIA tutorial from https://www.bgr.bund.de/EN/Themen/Wasser/Projekte/abgeschlossen/TZ/Acsad_dss/tutorial_data_weap-mabia_zip.zip (I also added a link to it on the Tutorial page: https://www.weap21.org/Tutorial ).

Ms. Elahe Goodarzi

Subject: Re: MABIA-WEAP Toturial   
Posted: 8/2/2021 Viewed: 6603 times
Thank you so much.. but I need WEAP-MABIA tutorial project(WEAP-MABIA Tutorial.zip).
I have MABIA Data and Guide as a PDF. but I don't have project file (WEAP-MABIA Tutorial.zip)!

Your sincerely...
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: MABIA-WEAP Toturial   
Posted: 8/2/2021 Viewed: 6600 times
There is no separate WEAP model for this tutorial. As stated in the WEAP-MABIA written tutorial (PDF):

The WEAP-MABIA models in this guide utilize the "Starting Point for 'Basic Tools' module". To begin this module, on the Main Menu, go to Area and select "Open". You should see a list of
Areas that includes "Tutorial" - select this Area. Then, go to the Main Menu, select "Revert to Version" and choose the version named "Starting Point for 'Basic Tools' module".
Ms. Elahe Goodarzi

Subject: Re: MABIA-WEAP Toturial   
Posted: 8/3/2021 Viewed: 6586 times
ok.. that's right.
Thank you..
Ms. Elahe Goodarzi

Subject: Re: MABIA-WEAP Toturial   
Posted: 8/3/2021 Viewed: 6495 times
Dear Mr. Jack Sieber

I run the MABIA-WEAP Project by Tutorial Data (zip, 10 KB), Unfortunately, the results that i got are different from what is in the tutorial! I used exactly the same data.
I checked several times, I confused..

Topic "MABIA-WEAP Toturial"