Subject: Creating demand sites Posted: 5/2/2021 Viewed: 6681 times
I'm working on a basin with 13 cities. Does it mean I should add 13 demand sites, one for each city? Or just the sum of the demand for all the 13 cities?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Creating demand sites Posted: 5/3/2021 Viewed: 6669 times
Hi Rodriga,
Whether to aggregate or disaggregate demand sites and specific demand categories within the demand sites is up to you--the model will work either way.
What questions are you trying to answer with your model?
If, for example, you want to know if the river is achieving a certain flow between city 3 and city 4 ((assuming cities are numbered consecutively from up- to downstream), you will need separate the demand and corresponding return flow, etc for those two cities.
If, on the other hand, you only care about what is happening in the headwaters (above all cities) and at a second point that is downstream of all the cities, you could model all 13 cities as one demand site.
Ms. Rodriga Soarez
Subject: Re: Creating demand sites Posted: 5/5/2021 Viewed: 6631 times
Hi Anne, thank you for your answer!
I want to investigate the effects of climate change on water availability in this basin. How should I act in this case?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Creating demand sites Posted: 5/12/2021 Viewed: 6575 times
Hi Rodriga,
I think you probably want to add a demand site for each city. If there is a water shortage, water use patterns of the upstream cities will likely impact availability for downstream cities. So if you're interested in impacts of climate change on individual cities, you will need to add them separately.