Subject: Update Existing Model Posted: 2/6/2021 Viewed: 5842 times
I am trying to update an existing model that had 4 sub-catchments by adding it downstream component to it making it have 7 sub-catchment. But when I updated the number of data columns to 7 in the CSV files when updating data those added columns are not visible. How can I make them visible?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Update Existing Model Posted: 2/12/2021 Viewed: 5826 times
Dear Umaru,
Thanks for your post. I am having trouble replicating your issue. I just updated a csv that i was using in the ReadFromFile wizard and the new column was immediately available in WEAP once i saved the CSV. I didn't even need to restart WEAP. If you continue having this problem, please use the Send Email to WEAP Support option in the Help menu to send me your model so i can have a look.