Subject: WEAP LEAP Link Problem_Time Slices Posted: 11/2/2020 Viewed: 7987 times
I am trying to link WEAP and LEAP models. In my WEAP model, the simulation period is between 2004 - 2017. Time steps per year are 12 and the leap days are not added. Time step boundary is based on a calendar month and the water year starts from October. Thus, the study period is running from October 2003 to September 2017.
In my LEAP model, the base year is 2004, the first scenario year 2005 and the end year is 2017. There are 12 months and 12 time slices so that the time slices match with the time slices in WEAP. When I try to link the LEAP model with WEAP, I cannot do it. For example, when I try to link the January (31) in LEAP with the January (31) in WEAP, it doesn't let me do so but I can select any other time slice other than January (31). This problem is also valid for the other time slices. I cannot match the February (28) in LEAP with February (28) in WEAP and so on.
I have changed the beginning of the water year from October to January in WEAP but the problem still exists. Thus, I don't understand what the problem is.
I would be really appreciated if you can help me to figure out this problem.
My system information:
System Information
Version: 2020.1.0.19 (32-Bit)
Dictionary Version: 461
Program Folder: "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAP\"
Areas Folder: "C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
Settings Folder: "C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings\"
Instance: 1
MapWinGIS Installed: No
Registered for Automation: Yes
GLPK: 4.65 (64-Bit)
Julia: No
Registered to: "" until April 18, 2021
User Name: zeynep
Current Area
Area Name: Sakarya
Base Year: 2004
End Year: 2017
First Scenario Year: 2005
Scope: [Demand, Transform, Costs, Emissions]
Scenarios: 1 (LIN)
Time Slices: 12 (January, February, March, ...)
Microsoft Windows
Version: Windows 10 Home, 64 Bit
Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
Running as: Standard User
BDE Installed: Yes
Excel Installed: Yes
Word Installed: Yes
PowerPoint Installed: Yes
Wine: No
Screen Resolution: 1536 x 864 pixels
Date Format: m/d/yyyy
List Separator: ","
Decimal Separator: "."
Thousands Separator: ","
Internet Explorer: 11.1139
Fonts: Small fonts (100% Scaling)
Anti-Virus: McAfee VirusScan (Enabled, Up to date)
Firewall: McAfee Firewall (Enabled)
PC Name: PC
Processor: Intel Core i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
Processor Speed: 2394 MHz
Number of Processors: 8
Total Memory: 15.89 GB
Available Memory: 8.27 GB (32-Bit LEAP limited to 4 GB)
Disk Size: 558.90 GB
Free Disk Space: 132.61 GB
Connected to Internet: Yes
System Information:
Licensed to: Zeynep Ozcan, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, until July 6, 2021
WEAP Version: 2019.2133 (Beta), October 20, 2020
Dictionary Version: 381
Program Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\WEAP\
Areas Directory: C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\WEAP Areas\
Working Directory: C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\WEAP Areas\_WORK\ (24 MB used by files)
Downloads Directory: C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\WEAP Areas\_Downloads\ (14 MB used by files)
Temp Directory: C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\WEAP Areas\_Temp\
Free Disk Space on C: = 140.2 GB
Data Dictionary: C:\Program Files (x86)\WEAP\ (995,983 bytes, 20 October 2020)
Data Dictionary Version: In Table=381, In Code=381
Using NexusDB
Results are saved to binary files
WEAP is registered correctly in the Windows Registry (required to use the WEAP API).
WEAP is not running with Windows Administrator privileges.
Language: English
Current Area: Sakarya_Contd_deneme
Directory: C:\Users\zeynep\Documents\WEAP Areas\Sakarya_Contd_deneme\ (54 MB used by files)
Time Horizon: 2004-2017 (monthly)
1 Scenarios: Reference
Area Boundaries: (27.832, 41.557), (33.79, 37.63)
Linked to LEAP Area: deneme
View: Schematic
Linear Program (LP) Solver: XA
Version: Windows 10 Home, 64 Bit
Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
Program Files Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)
User Documents Directory: C:\Users\zeynep\Documents
User Name: zeynep
Screen Resolution: 1536 x 864
System Font: Segoe UI, 9
Scaling: Small Fonts (100% Scaling)
Date Format: "M/d/yyyy"
List Separator: ","
Decimal Separator: "."
Thousands Separator: ","
Internet Explorer: 9
Excel Installed: Yes
Word Installed: Yes
PowerPoint Installed: Yes
Date, Time: 2020/11/02,16:24:54 Türkiye Standart Saati (GMT+03)
Locale: 2048; CurrentLocale: 9; GetThreadLocale: 1033; LCID_INSTALLED: 1
Name: PC
Total RAM: 4095 MB (apx)
Available RAM: 4095 MB (apx)
Total Virtual Memory: 4095 MB (apx)
Available Virtual Memory: 4095 MB (apx)
CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
CPU Type: P 6
CPU Speed: 2.36 GHz (apx)
Number of CPU Cores: 4
Number of Processors: 8
Number of Logical processors: 8
Disk Size: 559 GB
Free Disk Space: 140.2 GB
IP Address:
Floating Point precision mode: Extended
Rounding mode: Nearest
Ms. Zeynep Özcan
Subject: Re: WEAP LEAP Link Problem_Time Slices Posted: 11/11/2020 Viewed: 7963 times
Hi again,
I have found the problem. The problem is about the version of the LEAP that I am using. I have tried to link my WEAP model with older LEAP Version: 2018.0.1.26 (32-Bit). Everything is fine now. I write in case anyone has the same problem and LEAP officials are interested.
Ms. Xin Guan
Subject: Re: WEAP LEAP Link Problem_Time Slices Posted: 12/6/2021 Viewed: 6355 times
Hi Ms. Zeynep Özcan,
I have experienced the same problem and still having it right now.
Is using the older version of LEAP the only solution?
And can you please share with me the older version setting up file? or how to find it? I didn't find the link of downloading the older version LEAP on its website.
Ms. Zeynep Özcan
Subject: Re: WEAP LEAP Link Problem_Time Slices Posted: 12/7/2021 Viewed: 6150 times
Hi Ms. Xin Guan,
I am not sure if using the older version of LEAP is the only solution but I am still using the older version :)
I e-mailed to send me the old version of LEAP and they sent it to me. I would recommend you to email them. Maybe they will suggest another solution.
Kind regards,
Ms. Xin Guan
Subject: Re: WEAP LEAP Link Problem_Time Slices Posted: 2/3/2022 Viewed: 6109 times
Thanks, Zeynep.