Subject: Arrow size Posted: 10/7/2020 Viewed: 6512 times
The Arrow size in the scheme that I'm working on is so large. I tried to reduce them by going to the Schematic/ Set Weap Node Size menu to bring the slider to the end of the left side. It did not work form me. Would you please help me how to deal with this problem?
Thank you!
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Arrow size Posted: 11/11/2020 Viewed: 6439 times
Dear Mulugeta,
Were you able to solve this problem? Your approach is the correct one. If the slider is still not working, make sure you have the latest version of WEAP installed. Please respond if the problem persists.
Mr. Mostafa Riazi
Subject: Re: Arrow size Posted: 11/21/2020 Viewed: 6412 times
Hello dear,
I have the same problem.
I have used "Set weap node size" several times, but it did not work.
Also, I tried different versions of Weap, but my problem continuously persists.
Please help me solve this problem.
Thank you.