Subject: Unit of the area on Cachment with API Posted: 8/27/2020 Viewed: 5960 times
I have been using the API to create catchment-type nodes, however, I have not been able to insert the unit of the area [km2] through it, but I had to do it manually one by one, how can you insert the unit of the area in the catchments through the API?
Currently, I use it through Python and VB.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Unit of the area on Cachment with API Posted: 8/29/2020 Viewed: 5956 times
Yes, you can change the unit via the API, using the ScaleUnit property of the WEAPVariable class. Here's an example:
WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites and Catchments\Big Farm").Variables("Area").ScaleUnit = "km^2"