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All Topics | Topic "Issue with day number of the year"
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Mr. Bendik Hansen

Subject: Issue with day number of the year   
Posted: 8/18/2020 Viewed: 6357 times

I'm having an issue with the day numbers that WEAP reads. I formatted the input files correctly, but when I go to the Years and time steps settings, WEAP says that August 1st, 2003 is time step 214 (it should be 213). This is reflected in the results as well, my input and output data is all shifted by one day. Is there a way to fix this?

If I untick "add leap days" it works properly, but my data has leap days, and this shouldn't really be an issue anyway.

Images: https://imgur.com/a/T7Yi5c6
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Issue with day number of the year   
Posted: 8/18/2020 Viewed: 6349 times
You are correct. If "Add leap days" is on, each day will have the same time step number regardless of whether the year is a leap year or not, e.g., March 1 = TS 61, December 31 = TS 366. By having each day use a consistent time step number, it is possible to compare them across years. Note: in daily models, you can use either the timestep number (e.g., 61) or the date (e.g., 3/1/2020) in CSV input files and as the time step name format.

Topic "Issue with day number of the year"