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All Topics | Topic "Point Shapefile"
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Mr. Nalain E Muhammad

Subject: Point Shapefile   
Posted: 5/18/2020 Viewed: 8303 times
Dear Friends,
Could we add Point shape file in WEAP? If not, So how can we add Stream flow guages and Diversion points correctly. Because I want to do calibration So I want to add stream flow gauge legend at the exact location as in the real world. Please guide me
Dr. Hossein Babazadeh

Subject: Re: Point Shapefile   
Posted: 5/19/2020 Viewed: 8264 times
Hi Nalain,
Yes, You can add a point shapefile in the schematic of the WEAP model, just take consider to match the map projection of new shapefiles with others.

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Point Shapefile   
Posted: 5/20/2020 Viewed: 8254 times
Yes, it is possible to add a point shapefile (.shp) in WEAP. To do this, you right-click on the box that shows the existing GIS files and choose "Add vector layer..." and then navigate to your file. If the file does not appear, it is probably in a different projection or coordinate system. To address that problem, see other topics in the forum like Adding GIS layer or others about shapefiles.
If you're only modeling water quantity (and not water quality), the streamflow gauge in your model does not need to be placed precisely in the correct location. It is only important that it is in the correct location relative to inflows and outflows in the system.
Topic "Point Shapefile"