Subject: calibration and validation Posted: 11/4/2019 Viewed: 7705 times
Hi dear
I'm working on my thesis. My data period is from 2007 till 2016. I want to use 6 years for validation and 4 years for calibration (and i have just one stream gauge in my catchment & my method is catchment). How should i use pest for calibration with this structure( 6 years validation & 4 years calibration)?
When i inter 6 years of my data with all parameters(for validation) and 4 years of all my data without headflow (for calibration) and want to weap modelling the headflow for my calibration period. at the end it gave me the headflow. This headflow has very very low R square and other indicates(NS, RMSE,d) compared to my observed headflow. Is this way right? If dose not please tell me the right way to calibrate.
Thank you