Subject: WEAP model and Uncertainty Analysis methods Posted: 10/15/2019 Viewed: 6769 times
Please, How can we apply the GLUE or SUFI-2 method to the WEAP model to estimate the uncertainty? GLUE and SUFI-2 are included in SWAT-CUP, Can I find the methods in other software or excel spreadsheet to apply it?
Thanks in advance
Dr. Hossein Babazadeh
Subject: Re: WEAP model and Uncertainty Analysis methods Posted: 10/19/2019 Viewed: 6737 times
Hi Mohamed,
I think, right now, the WEAP doesn't have any items in results to estimate uncertainty. If you want to have this type of analysis, you can use Expression Builder or Scripting in the WEAP advanced menu to introduce your functions. Also, it is possible to export your results in a spreadsheet for uncertainty analysis.
Best Regards,
Mr. Mohamed nasef
Subject: Re: WEAP model and Uncertainty Analysis methods Posted: 10/21/2019 Viewed: 6701 times
Dear Dr. Babazadeh,
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. Actually, I need to apply the GLUE or SUFI-2 method to estimate the uncertainty and I have not the function for both of them. So, do you have an idea of how I can apply it via Expression Builder or via Excel spreadsheet? Just give me the general steps or put me on the road.
Thanks in advance
Dr. Hossein Babazadeh
Subject: Re: WEAP model and Uncertainty Analysis methods Posted: 10/27/2019 Viewed: 6656 times
Hi Mohamed,
In the Expression Builder of the WEAP, you can introduce different functions related to the model objects, just you have to know the concept of the function. About the uncertainty, at first, find the mathematical model of the function, then use the expression builder parameters to write the function. I don't know, indeed, the mathematical function of these equations to make the expression builder.
Mr. Mohamed nasef
Subject: Re: WEAP model and Uncertainty Analysis methods Posted: 11/2/2019 Viewed: 6616 times
Hi Dr. Babazadeh,
Thank you for your reply.
Topic "WEAP model and Uncertainty Analysis methods"