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All Topics | Topic "Demand and supply sites later active as in current accounts"
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Ms. Sibel Ersoy

Subject: Demand and supply sites later active as in current accounts   
Posted: 5/10/2019 Viewed: 8711 times
My current accounts is set to year 2011. I will have a demand site that will start to be active in 2016. I also have a second dam that will be operational in 2015. How can I make them active from their respective year on? I tried to add a branch under "Manage Scenarios", but all starts from 2012 on and I cannot choose 2015 or 2016..
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Demand and supply sites later active as in current accounts   
Posted: 5/29/2019 Viewed: 8666 times
Dear Sibel,
When you create your Feservoir or Demand Site, uncheck the box that says "Active in Current Accounts". (If you need to change this after, you can do so by right-clicking on the object and choosing General Info). Then, in the Data view, make sure you're looking at the scenario you're interested in. If you've told WEAP the object is NOT active in Current Accounts, there will be a button called Startup Year (between where it says "Data for:" and the parameter tabs, to the left of "Physical" for reservoirs and of "Water Use" for Demand Sites. Here you can set the first year of activity.
Topic "Demand and supply sites later active as in current accounts"