Subject: Automatic catchment delineation. Posted: 5/1/2019 Viewed: 8560 times
I also, want to know the delineation of some parts of the river as it delineates the whole river...please suggest me.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Automatic catchment delineation. Posted: 5/29/2019 Viewed: 8486 times
Dear Randhir,
After you have used Catchment Delineation to create a basin, you can move the pourpoint of your basin by hovering over the point where your existing basin intersects with the river object. The mouse will appear as a plus sign with arrows at each end. You can then click and drag the pour point to a new location on the same river.
To subdivide an existing basin, you can hold down the ALT key and click upstream of the pourpoint at the location you are interested in.
For a visual instruction of these processes, take a look at the videos about Catchment Delineation on our Videos page (linked at left).