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All Topics | Topic "Monthly variation in Surface Runoff fraction during catchment modeling"
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Mr. Debele Abera Abdi

Subject: Monthly variation in Surface Runoff fraction during catchment modeling   
Posted: 3/15/2019 Viewed: 9055 times
Dear all,
During modeling of catchment, Surface Runoff fraction is set as percentage for different Infiltration and Runoff nodes(Say:60%,20%, and 20%)But these percentage have monthly variation (e.g Jan,0,Feb,0,Mar,0,Apr,0,May,0,Jun,5,Jul,20,Aug,40,Sep,25,Oct,10,Nov,0,Dec,0.).
How can the surface runoff percent and Monthly variation is in placed in the WEAP model?If monthly variation is not properly incorporated in the model the amount of surface runoff is exaggerated in dry season.

Thanks in advance,

Debele A

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Monthly variation in Surface Runoff fraction during catchment modeling   
Posted: 4/18/2019 Viewed: 9020 times
Dear Debele,
As you have noted, you can set the Surface Runoff Fraction for each of the Infiltration/Runoff links under Inflows and Outflows in the data view. You can also set up monthly variation in the same place by using the drop-down menu that appears as an arrow on the right side of the cell when you click on the cell to enter the data (ie 60 %) (choose Monthly Time Series Wizard).

However, this might not solve your problem. It's possible that the model is generating too much runoff in the dry season. This might be due to errors in evapotranspiration, precipitation, and infiltration rates. Using the Soil Moisture Method (see the Hydrology Chapter of the WEAP Tutorial) can help you better control these variables in your model.

Hope this helps,
Topic "Monthly variation in Surface Runoff fraction during catchment modeling"