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All Topics | Topic "Reservoir calibration using PEST Calibration"
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Eng. Muhammed Lukman A.

Subject: Reservoir calibration using PEST Calibration   
Posted: 2/28/2019 Viewed: 10379 times
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am working On a Topic impact of climate change on water availability of A reservoir in Sokoto Nigeria, I have with me total storage capacity of the Dam,Observed Volume.there in, while i was trying to calibrate my model.it shows me upper bound,lower and Initial .My question is what are the lower bound and upper bound data required as i seems not to understand this.Kind regards Lukman A. Mohd.
Dr. Muhammad Shafqat Mehboob

Subject: Re: Reservoir calibration using PEST Calibration   
Posted: 4/18/2019 Viewed: 10163 times
Its Shafqat here.
When you calibrate your model using PEST in WEAP, it will always ask you the limits of your Parameter to be calibrated. Because PEST calibrates within only your provided range, lower bound mean lower limit and upper bound mean upper limit of your parameter. eg if you are working on flow generated by glaciers, you need to select best radiation coefficient which varies from 0 to 100. in the month of January the radiation coefficient is between 0 to 30(in general) so if you give range 0 to 100 PEST will take more time as compared to when you give range 0-30. The result will be the same.
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Reservoir calibration using PEST Calibration   
Posted: 4/22/2019 Viewed: 10160 times
Dear Muhammed,
The Lower Bound and Upper Bound values are there for you to restrict the possible range of values for each parameter. So, in your example, if you are calibrating the Storage Capacity, you can tell WEAP that it's not possible that the Storage Capacity is less than 5 (Lower Bound) and nor can it be greater than 32 (or whatever value you choose) (Upper Bound). This will restrict the output value to between 5 and 32.
For more, see the PEST Calibration section of the User Guide (aka WEAP help) or the Snow Hydrology and PEST Calibration Chapter of the WEAP Tutorial.
Best regards,
Topic "Reservoir calibration using PEST Calibration"