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All Topics | Topic "PEST Calibration - Initial Z1 %"
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Ms. Zeynep Özcan

Subject: PEST Calibration - Initial Z1 %   
Posted: 2/18/2019 Viewed: 9402 times
Dear all,

When I try to calibrate Initial Z1 (%) with PEST Calibration, I cannot add it into the calibration parameter list. I click add button, I specify the required info Branch/Variable/Title and so on but after clicking on save button, the parameter is not seen in the list. Does anyone else encounter this problem? What could be the problem?

Thanks in advance,
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: PEST Calibration - Initial Z1 %   
Posted: 2/18/2019 Viewed: 9401 times
WEAP does not let you choose this variable because it does not exist in the scenarios. However, you can force WEAP to use it by creating a key assumption for Initial Z1. Link the catchment's Initial Z1 to the key assumption, then have PEST calibrate the key assumption.

Ms. Tejal shirsat

Subject: Re: PEST Calibration - Initial Z1 %   
Posted: 6/26/2019 Viewed: 9024 times
Hi all,
I encounter the same problem while using PEST calibration. I cannot add Initial z1, ice melting point, freezing point, melting point, preferred flow direction parameters in the list. I added them in the key assumptions of the catchment and ran PEST. It is still not working. What could be the problem? Did it work when you tried it?

Edit: How do we link catchment's initial z1 to the key assumptions? Maybe I didn't do it correct in the previous attempt

Many thanks,

Topic "PEST Calibration - Initial Z1 %"