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All Topics | Topic "Basic WEAP training to be held online early February 2019"
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Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Basic WEAP training to be held online early February 2019   
Posted: 12/17/2018 Viewed: 9052 times
Dear WEAP Community,

The Stockholm Environment Institute is pleased to announce an introductory online WEAP training in February 2019. The training costs $250/person and will be conducted February 4, 6, and 8 (Monday-Wednesday-Friday), 3 hours each day, 8am-11am EST (GMT -0500) in English. The training will follow some of the exercises in the WEAP tutorial.

In an anonymous survey, 6 out of 7 recent trainees said they would be "likely" or "very likely" to recommend the Beginner Training to a colleague who has little or no WEAP experience.

Registration is available at http://www.WEAP21.org/training Space is limited. Once your registration is approved and your payment has been received, your enrollment will be official.

We hope to hold an intermediate training later in the year; watch the WEAP forum for more information.

Please email me (training@weap21.org) with any questions about the basic training.

Topic "Basic WEAP training to be held online early February 2019"