Subject: add shapefile Posted: 12/14/2018 Viewed: 10103 times
Dear users
I tried several times to add a shapefile but I could not,i need your help
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: add shapefile Posted: 1/2/2019 Viewed: 10006 times
Dear Fatma,
My first guess is that you have a projection problem. Please read the following paragraph from the WEAP help and if you find this isn't the problem, please reply with more details of the problem you are experiencing.
"All background layers must use the same geographic projection. If you add a layer and it does not appear on the Schematic, it may be because it does not use the same projection as the existing background layers. WEAP's preloaded global layers use the WGS84 projection (WGS84 files are sometimes referred to as "unprojected," because they are based directly on latitude and longitude.) If you want to add layers that use a projection different from WGS84, here is what you should do. (Note: you must do this BEFORE you add any WEAP objects, such as rivers or demand sites, because when you add them they will use the projection in effect, and will disappear when you change to using a different projection.) Add one of your layers. Remove all layers (such as the preloaded layers) that are in a different projection. Go to Set Area Boundaries and set the boundary using your new layer. If your layer is visible in the Schematic then you have done it correctly."