Subject: Exporting a KMZ file into a wool ball in Google Earth Posted: 11/4/2018 Viewed: 8136 times
Hi dear community,
I have a problem in the last two weeks:
I tried to export the data of some WEAP Dataset (which i was working in WGS 1984 17S coordinate System) to a file KMZ (to read in Google Earth) and it become something like a ball of wool that covers all the earth (not only the basins i were working in).
The KMZ file cannot be read in any other program like QGis o ArcMap.
If someone can help me know a solution or change to solve this problem I would be really thank you.
Greetings to all.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Exporting a KMZ file into a wool ball in Google Earth Posted: 11/4/2018 Viewed: 8126 times
When WEAP creates the .kmz file, it uses the Windows system Decimal Separator (some countries this is "." and some it is ",") when formatting the longitude and latitude. However, Google Earth expects the Decimal Separator to be a dot ("."), regardless of locale.
A future version of WEAP will fix this so that it always uses the dot, but in the meantime, a workaround is to change the Windows settings to use dot as the decimal separator (you might also need to change the digit grouping symbol from period to something else, like comma), restart WEAP and create the .kmz file again.
Mr. Marco Bastidas
Subject: Re: Exporting a KMZ file into a wool ball in Google Earth Posted: 1/2/2019 Viewed: 7875 times
Thank you very much, now it works really great. (I haven't had more problem since your reply) :D
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Exporting a KMZ file into a wool ball in Google Earth Posted: 1/3/2019 Viewed: 7871 times
I am glad to hear that. The new version of WEAP released yesterday (2019.0) fixes this issue, without the need to change the Windows Decimal Separator.
Topic "Exporting a KMZ file into a wool ball in Google Earth"