Subject: New Version of WEAP (2018.1) Posted: 8/23/2018 Viewed: 16231 times
A new version of WEAP is now available, with several new features and bug fixes. It is recommended for all users to get the update. As always, this new version is backwards compatible with data sets developed in earlier versions of WEAP.
If you have a problem with the automatic update, you can download the full installation from There is no need to uninstall your existing version first.
NOTE: Once a model has been opened in version 2018.1, it cannot be opened in any previous version because of changes to file formats.
What's New:
8/23/2018, Version 2018.1
- Organize favorites into groups: Favorites can be grouped into subfolders on the menu, which can help if you have many favorites. In the Results View, go to Favorites, Manage Favorites.
- Injection layers for artificial recharge in MODFLOW: When using injections wells for artificial recharge, you can specify MODFLOW layer(s) into which a demand site's return flow should go. In the Data View, go to the demand site variable "Injection Layer" -- next to the "Pump Layer" variable in the "Pumping" category. Use the PumpLayer function to specify more than one layer, e.g., PumpLayer(3, 0.5, 4, 0.5).
- Irrigation Use of Runoff: You can specify the fraction of a catchment's runoff that can be used internally for irrigation instead of flowing to the runoff link's surface water inflow point. In the Data View, go to the Irrigation / Irrigation Use of Runoff variable. See the help for more information, including calculation equations.
- 9-digit demand priorities: You can change the Lowest Allowed Demand Priority from its default of 99 to anything up to 999,999,999. Go to General, Basic Parameters. (For example, this could be useful if you want to use water right dates, in YYYYMMDD format, as the demand priorities.) See help for more information.
- Theoretical Irrigation Demand and Shortfall: The following two results are now available for Soil Moisture Method as well as MABIA catchments (in the Demand section):
- Theoretical Catchment Irrigation Demand: An irrigation shortfall in one timestep will cause an increased irrigation demand in subsequent timesteps because of the holdover soil moisture deficit. "Theoretical Catchment Irrigation Demand" will reflect only the demand from the current timestep's evapotranspiration, not counting any holdover soil moisture deficit from previous timesteps. Because calculating theoretical demand requires additional calculations, it may slow down calculations somewhat. If you turn off this variable -- see Customizing Result Variables -- it will not be calculated.
- Annual Theoretical Catchment Irrigation Shortfall: This is the annual sum of Theoretical Catchment Irrigation Demand minus the annual sum of Irrigation (Supply Delivered) to the catchment branch. This is the "actual" unmet demand, which is not based on the double counted irrigation demand that occurs in cases of irrigation shortage.
- Tags: Key Assumption and Other Assumption branches can now have tags.
- API: Branches can now be deleted via the API. Branch.Delete will delete the branch and any associated schematic objects. If the branch has any children, they will also be deleted.
- Linking WEAP and LEAP: Additional improvements to make linking process more robust. Note: Both LEAP and WEAP now require the most up-to-date versions of each tool and will report an error if you try to link to an older version.
- Linking WEAP and LEAP: Minor interface changes to better inform you via the main screen titles when LEAP and WEAP are linked (and which area you are linked to).
- Lock branches: Any branch in the Data Tree can be locked to prevent its expressions from being edited. Also, locked branches cannot be renamed or deleted. Locked branches appear grayed out in tree.
- Month: The Month function for expressions has been extended for use in models with any timestep length (other than weekly). If the model timestep is daily, Month will return the number of the month (1-12) that the date is in (regardless of water year start date). For example, If(Inlist(Month, April, June, August), 10, 20) will equal 10 in April, June and August, and 20 in the other months.
- New function for expressions: Inlist(A, V1, V2, V3, ...) will be true if A equals one of the values (V1, V2, V3, etc.), false if it does not match any of the values.
- Choose: New function for expressions: Choose(i, Choice1, Choice2, Choice3, ..., ChoiceN): chooses the i-th choice from the list. For example, Choose(Month, 10, 15, 18, 22, 25, 30, 40, 32, 27, 17, 12, 5) = 10 in January; = 15 in February; = 18 in March; etc.
- New function for expressions: DaysInMonth. The result is the number of days in the current month. For models with a monthly timestep, this is equivalent to the Days function. E.g., For a daily model, will return 31 for every timestep in January. Works for any timestep length other than weekly.
- User defined variable comments: Comments for user defined variables can now be longer than 256 characters. (No limit.)
- Fixed bug in PEST setup screen: WEAP was crashing if the user tried to select a subset of observations to calibrate to (e.g., reservoirs, years, months).
- Fixed bug with daily results reporting: Previously, results for the last day of the water year were calculated but not shown for daily catchment method results (e.g., MABIA Evaporation) in models with a monthly timestep.
Jack Sieber
WEAP Developer
Stockholm Environment Institute