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All Topics | Topic "only one transmission link from groundwater to demand site?"
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Mr. Wilco Terink

Subject: only one transmission link from groundwater to demand site?   
Posted: 8/20/2018 Viewed: 10097 times

I think there is a limitation in WEAP. I like to model groundwater abstraction through bores (demand sites). The amount of water that can be abstracted can be limited due to flow restrictions. These restrictions can be specified via the transmission link. However, the demand is specified using measured extraction data, thus if there is an unmet demand, then the unmet demand equals the amount of water that exceeds the extraction limit. In reality this extra amount of water is thus extracted from the groundwater. I thought to model this by adding a second transmission link from groundwater to that demand site with priority 2, meaning that this water will only be extracted when transmission link 1 is on restriction. However, this is apparently not possible in WEAP. Any suggestions how to model this?
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: only one transmission link from groundwater to demand site?   
Posted: 8/24/2018 Viewed: 10090 times
You are right that this is not currently possible. However, within the next few months we have plans to release a new version of WEAP that will allow multiple transmission links between the same supply and demand.

Topic "only one transmission link from groundwater to demand site?"