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All Topics | Topic "Link 2 reservoir in 1 demand point"
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Miss Pâmella Brenda Carvalho Gonçalves

Subject: Link 2 reservoir in 1 demand point   
Posted: 5/12/2018 Viewed: 10554 times
It's possible link 2 reservoirs in 1 demand point, I have in my example 2 reservoirs, but there are city that receive water of 2 reservoir, How can I put this in the weap. Like, this demand point receive water from reservoir 1 50% and 50% from reservoir 2.

Thanks so much!

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Link 2 reservoir in 1 demand point   
Posted: 12/17/2018 Viewed: 9966 times
Hello Pamella Brenda,
Yes, this is possible. First, you need to add the reservoirs to your model in the schematic view. Then, use Transmission Links to connect each reservoir to the demand site. You can then use the Supply Preference tab under the Linking Rules section of the demand site's Transmission Links (under the Supply and Resources branch in the Data view) to tell WEAP which reservoir should be prioritized for withdrawal. Under your circumstances, you should set them both to have the same Supply Preference.
You can also tell WEAP the Maximum Flow Percent of Demand from either of the reservoirs. According to WEAP, this is "maximum flow as a percent of total demand". In your case, you would set this to 50 for each reservoir. You can set it in the Maximum Flow Percent of Demand tab of the same Linking Rules section.

Topic "Link 2 reservoir in 1 demand point"