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All Topics | Topic "Run several weap programs on one PC"
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Mr. Kasra Keshavarz

Subject: Run several weap programs on one PC   
Posted: 2/27/2018 Viewed: 10886 times

I am solving an optimization problem in which WEAP is involved. I am wondering if it is possible to run several WEAP programs on one PC in order to benefit from multi-processing. My WEAP model is relatively large; every single run would take about 2-3 hours. I am wondering if it is possible to run WEAP on multiple processors or even lower the computational cost.

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Run several weap programs on one PC   
Posted: 4/23/2018 Viewed: 10869 times
WEAP can only use a single processor, but you can run WEAP simultaneously from several different accounts on the same computer.
Mr. Kasra Keshavarz

Subject: Re: Run several weap programs on one PC   
Posted: 4/26/2018 Viewed: 10851 times
Thanks Stephanie,

Am I able to control several WEAP programs running on different accounts using their APIs from one account? I need to tell different WEAP programs to print their result after their calculations and start a new setup. I am doing Monte Carlo simulation and I need to run WEAP for 5000 times.

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Run several weap programs on one PC   
Posted: 4/27/2018 Viewed: 10828 times
Hi Kasra,

Unfortunately you are not able to control WEAP on different accounts from one account.

It actually would be possible to have multiple WEAP's running in the same account, but you would need to make duplicate copies of the WEAP program directory, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\WEAP1, C:\Program Files (x86)\WEAP2, etc. You cannot do this by installing extra copies -- the installer will run try to "repair" the existing copy, not make another. You would have to manually copy the folder. And when you run the separate copies of WEAP, each one would have to store their data in a different area folder, e.g., C:\users\name\documents\WEAP Areas 1, C:\users\name\documents\WEAP Areas 2, etc. Doable, but not simple.
Mr. Kasra Keshavarz

Subject: Re: Run several weap programs on one PC   
Posted: 4/27/2018 Viewed: 10819 times
Thanks Stephanie,

I guess having several copies of WEAP folders and running them individually on the same account does not again provide me access to each running WEAP instances by API right?

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Run several weap programs on one PC   
Posted: 4/30/2018 Viewed: 10792 times
Actually yes, you are correct. You can only have one copy of WEAP in the account be controlled by the API. Sorry about that.
Topic "Run several weap programs on one PC"