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All Topics | Topic "Missing some demand's variables in Tutorial-Linking WEAP to LEAP"
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Mr. Mostafa Fard

Subject: Missing some demand's variables in Tutorial-Linking WEAP to LEAP   
Posted: 2/7/2018 Viewed: 10425 times
Hi, When I open "Tutorial" project and go to "Linking WEAP to LEAP" version, we have two demand sites; City and Coal Power Plant(CPP). There are some variables in City which do not exist in CPP (for example, the category "Demand Managment" is completely removed in CPP. Or, "Annual Activity Level" and "Annual Water Use Rate", under "Water Use" category, do not exist in CPP, in comparison by City)
Totally, How can I add a demand site like CPP? (When I add a new demand site, the properties are like City, not CPP)
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Missing some demand's variables in Tutorial-Linking WEAP to LEAP   
Posted: 2/12/2018 Viewed: 10410 times
Hi Mostafa,

In your demand site, click on the category "Advanced" and then in the dropdown menu, select the method "Specify Monthly Demand."

We've also made a video about several different ways to model demand - we should be posting it soon (it still needs some editing).
Mr. Mostafa Fard

Subject: Re: Missing some demand's variables in Tutorial-Linking WEAP to LEAP   
Posted: 2/12/2018 Viewed: 10399 times
Thank you, dear Stephanie
It helps me a lot.
Topic "Missing some demand's variables in Tutorial-Linking WEAP to LEAP"