Subject: Transmission Link Posted: 1/11/2018 Viewed: 11276 times
Hello everyone,
My question is, can I use transmission link in place of a canal to supply water a from Lake(River) to Demand site?
If I can, then why does WEAP not show any values for 'Transmission Link Flow' under the Results view? It also does not show any results for 'Outflow to xxx' under the 'Reservoir Inflows and Outflows' option under Results view, neither reduction in streamflow is observed in the Reach of the river after transmission link.
How do I make the transmission of Water to the Demand site?
Explanation and any help to solve this issue is highly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Transmission Link Posted: 1/23/2018 Viewed: 11234 times
Hi Pranja,
We've spoken about this more over email, but for anyone looking at this post, when you're sending water through transmission links, WEAP will only send as much as is demanded at the other end of the transmission link. So make sure that your demand will "pull" the water you want from the supply.