Subject: WEAP API: Need array of all values in all years Posted: 8/24/2017 Viewed: 10896 times
I am trying to use WEAP API to run a scenario. I am using
PRINT WEAP.ResultValue("\Demand Sites\West City:Unmet Demand[Cubic Feet]", 2015, 1, "Reference", 2015, WEAP.NumTimeSteps)
But it prints only the sum/avg etc of all the values.
What I need is a year by year value to be returned
something like: [10,11,12,13,14]
How can I get the same?
Thanks in advance
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: WEAP API: Need array of all values in all years Posted: 9/13/2017 Viewed: 10874 times
There is no WEAP API function that will return multiple values. WEAP.ResultValue returns a single value, which can be for one timestep, or the sum/average/max/min for a range of timestep values.
Here is how to print the result values for 2015:
for ts = 1 to WEAP.NumTimeSteps
Print WEAP.ResultValue("\Demand Sites\West City:Unmet Demand[Cubic Feet]", 2015, ts, "Reference")
Topic "WEAP API: Need array of all values in all years"