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All Topics | Topic "How much time to implement WEAP?"
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Ms. Viviana Guzman Buritica

Subject: How much time to implement WEAP?   
Posted: 4/24/2017 Viewed: 13143 times
Hi everybody,

We are requested to perform a hydrological simulation of land cover change effects and climate change in a 19000 ha watershed located in the eastern andean foothills in Colombia. We (me and other person) have only two months to do this. My question is: ¿Is it not reasonable or too risky to think of implementing WEAP in this short period of time?

I understand that WEAP is flexible, and that allows me to think that we can structure and calibrate a simple model. This watershed has no urban water abstractions but includes some small irrigation districts mainly. We got information of precipitation, temperature, humidity and wind from a few nearby stations, land cover info for 1986, 2000 and 2014, withdrawal points and projected series of precipitation and temperature under climate change scenarios for some stations. Finally, I can say that I have experience in using SWAT (a more complex model I think), but Im not an hydrologist.

Any thoughts or comments from you will be helpful,

Thanks in advance,
Topic "How much time to implement WEAP?"