Subject: How to use climate and land use change projection in evaluating water budget in WEAP? Posted: 4/16/2017 Viewed: 13202 times
I have projected monthly average, maximum and minimum temperature in 2050. Land use in 2050 (5 classes; urban, forest, water, agriculture and miscellaneous) has also been projected. I am wondering to know that how to use future climate and land use data to derive water budget in WEAP? Is there any model in WEAP to do that?
Thank you very much
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: How to use climate and land use change projection in evaluating water budget in WEAP? Posted: 4/17/2017 Viewed: 13126 times
Dear Sathaporn,
The only way to input climatic data into WEAP to generate water production is by using a catchment. You will need to selected one of five models (the soil moisture model uses temperature as one of its parameters, so that might be a good candidate). However, you will need information in addition to the temperature, such as any anticipated precipitation changes.
The WEAP tutorial ( has a section on hydrological modeling using catchments in the module "Hydrology." That provides a good introduction to using catchments.
Topic "How to use climate and land use change projection in evaluating water budget in WEAP?"