Subject: Demand Site Connection Posted: 11/13/2016 Viewed: 13477 times
Is there any difference if I connect Demand Site directly with the reservoir or if i connect D/S with the reach D/S of Reservoir?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Demand Site Connection Posted: 11/15/2016 Viewed: 13467 times
Dear Ahmed,
It does not make a difference. If you wanted to differentiate between those situations, you would need to think about changing your demand priorities.
Mr. Ahmed Rafique
Subject: Re: Demand Site Connection Posted: 11/15/2016 Viewed: 13461 times
Thanks Stepanie.
Eng. Hùng Việt
Subject: Re: Demand Site Connection Posted: 3/15/2017 Viewed: 12892 times
Dear Stepanie,
with my network, i had problem with waterdemand. in my network i have 4 waterdemand sites, from WD1 to WD4 in order from upstream to downstream (order: withdrawal 1,WD1 Return Flow node, withdrawal 2,WD2 Return Flow node, withdrawal 3,WD3 Return Flow node, withdrawal 4,WD4 Return Flow node,) but in my result for WD1, WD2 unmet demand on Dec, Jan and Feb but WD3, WD4 do not (in my setup model WD1, WD2, WD3, WD4 the same demand priority = 1).
i am not sure that in the WEAP, withdrawal 1 first and withdrawal 2 second because withdrawal 1 note site above withdrawal 2 note site)
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Demand Site Connection Posted: 3/15/2017 Viewed: 12882 times
Dear Hung,
Here is my first guess: It is possible that your WD3 and WD4 have lower demands, and are thus able to meet all their demands based entirely on the water returning into the river in the return flows from the demand sites immediately upstream. Without those return flows, the river would be empty (which is why WD1 and WD2 have unmet demand in that time step) but because they are returning flow into the river, there is flow for WD3 and WD4 to withdraw.
To check if this is the case, compare the flow from the return flows of the demand sites upstream to the flow in the river just before next demand site's withdrawal.