Subject: Extra water after allocation Posted: 10/27/2016 Viewed: 14323 times
How does WEAP allocate the extra water say in a wet year after meeting all the demands and filling reservoirs in the system? I'm guessing WEAP flushes the water downstream, is that right? where can I reference this idea in the WEAP publications?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Extra water after allocation Posted: 10/27/2016 Viewed: 14305 times
Hi Abdel,
It's hard to think about the water in the system as "extra" water, because it's how the system existed before humans. The rivers flowed to the sea and groundwater either stayed in the ground (fossil aquifers) or flowed out somewhere as springs or baseflows for water bodies.
Any water that is not removed for a demand in WEAP , it stays in the feature where it is, in the environment.
Eng. Adel Abdallah
Subject: Re: Extra water after allocation Posted: 10/27/2016 Viewed: 14287 times
Thank you for the prompt response. You're absolutely right that the word "extra" is not appropriate from a natural river system's perspective. I meant mathematically. So the feature or the environment you referred to is the mouth of the river? right? at least in WEAP as we might not have groundwater recharge feature.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Extra water after allocation Posted: 11/10/2016 Viewed: 14161 times
Yes, the water will remain until the "end" of the river (in your model, it just might be the end of the river section that you're interested in.