Subject: Large model Posted: 7/5/2016 Viewed: 14788 times
Assuming I need to run one scenario of 25 years with a time step of two weeks, can anyone estimate (roughly) how many elements can I include in the model so it will take 1 hour to run, and\or if there is a maximal number of elements that above it, the model won't run at all? on windows7 32bit with core 2 duo 2.9 Ghz and 4GB RAM and HDD, or similar. Any example of anyone who run a large model will be helpful, I need this information in order to define the topology.
Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Large model Posted: 7/8/2016 Viewed: 14737 times
Dear Eyal,
Complexity takes many forms, and is not directly related to how many elements you can include in the model. The more you include, and the more complex you make the rules that govern the system, the longer the model will take to run. Remember that complexity is not always best: modelers often strive for models "as simple as possible but no simpler."
It is up to you to decide which complexities are necessary to answer the questions that you will be asking of your system.