Subject: Ask something about unmet demand Posted: 3/10/2016 Viewed: 16890 times
I have question about my Unmet demand.I want to know that how weap calculate unmet demand and which parameter result's program show amount of water in damand site.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Ask something about unmet demand Posted: 3/10/2016 Viewed: 16878 times
In WEAP, demand is how much water is needed at each WEAP node that has a demand priority - such as demand sites, irrigated catchments, and flow requirements. The values for demand are calculated according to information the user enters, for example, the number of people in a city multiplied by their per capita usage, or the amount of water required to keep a catchment between upper and lower irrigation thresholds, or the legal requirements for in-stream flow.
WEAP will allocate water throughout the model by satisfying the demand in the order of the demand priorities. If all your demand nodes have a priority of 1, and the water supply is insufficient. WEAP will share the water so that each node receives an equal *percentage* of its demand.
In the case of insufficient water supply, you will have unmet demand. This is the difference between the demand values in each demand node, and the amount of water WEAP is able to allocate according to water availability and demand priorities (the physical constraints and the political constraints, as I like characterize them).
If you are looking for the value of how much water is supplied to each demand site, that information is available in the result "Supply Delivered". The demand is "Supply requirement" and "Unmet demand" is the difference between them.
Mr. Chantawut Sirikhun
Subject: Re: Ask something about unmet demand Posted: 3/11/2016 Viewed: 16787 times
Thank you for answer Stephanie.
Mr. Sachin Kumar
Subject: Re: Ask something about unmet demand Posted: 12/2/2019 Viewed: 9816 times
what is the formula to calculate the unmet demand in the WEAP model for any demand nodes?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Ask something about unmet demand Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 87 times
Unmet demand = Supply Requirement - Supply Delivered.