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All Topics | Topic "Adding Shape Files"
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Mr. Ahmed Rafique

Subject: Adding Shape Files   
Posted: 2/22/2016 Viewed: 14853 times
If you want to shape files, delete all the previous shape files (like Major Rivers, Cities, States). Go to Schematic and add a vector layers. It is good if you use WGS 1984 as coordinate system.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Adding Shape Files   
Posted: 2/23/2016 Viewed: 14839 times
Hi Ahmed,

Let me expand upon this information a little. First, it is best practice to decide which projection to use before you start building elements in your model.

WEAP's default project is WGS 1984. Usually I re-project whatever shapefiles I'm working with, and put them into the model.

You can however, change the projection. Again, this is best done before you build any WEAP elements. Delete all the shapefiles present in WEAP but one (it won't let you delete the last one). Now add a new shapefile in the projection you want. It won't display. Now delete that last original shapefile that you couldn't delete before. Your area will assume the projection of the remaining file, the one you added. You will probably have to redraw the area boundaries of your model.
Topic "Adding Shape Files"