Subject: soil moisture method( inclusion of irrigation areas) Posted: 2/13/2016 Viewed: 14521 times
Dear WEAP users,
i need a help to understand this:
I am using the soil moisture method to simulate the run-off from a catchment. However, i have an irrigated area in the catchment which i calculated the water demand. my concern is what is the difference between to include the irrigation in the catchment set up or keeping it as demand site. my intention is to generate the inflows from the catchment( cz i don t have the observed stream headflows).
thank in advance
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: soil moisture method( inclusion of irrigation areas) Posted: 2/15/2016 Viewed: 14500 times
Including your irrigation area as a land cover use is the catchment will entail entering much more data to enable WEAP to respond dynamically to the climatic conditions in your model. To include the irrigated area as a demand site will mean it draws a fixed amount of the water from the river in all conditions (although of course you could to do some coding in the Expression Builder, but the Demand Site is simplistic by default). It’s up to you to decide the goals of your model, and which method is most appropriate.
There is a very good exercise regarding catchments in the WEAP tutorial, in the hydrology module. I recommend following that exercise to see if that methodology is something that will work for you.
Topic "soil moisture method( inclusion of irrigation areas)"