Subject: Reservoir storage volume Posted: 12/7/2015 Viewed: 17114 times
I have introduced data for reservoir storage to projection but in the results section for the months (April, May) there are no water in reservoir i have some volumes. Also the storage volume of reference account is higher than current account. I need help because normally storage volume must decrease.
Thank you
If your reservoir is storing too much water, several things might be happening:
1) It has a high demand priority (WEAP default is 99, which is the lowest priority)
2) There is a lot of water in the river
3) Downstream demand sites are not demanding very much water
I would start by looking at those three issues, and see if that clarifies anything for your model.
Eng. Majid Vali
Subject: Re: Reservoir storage volume Posted: 12/11/2015 Viewed: 17041 times
Dear Stephanie,
Is it possible Maximum hydraulic outflow causes reservoir stores too much water?
Subject: Re: Reservoir storage volume Posted: 12/14/2015 Viewed: 17024 times
Dear Stephanie
I come back to you to explane my fail better. So I have modeled a reservoir about 8 Mm3. For example in current account in January 2014, the begining of simulation that also correspond to intal storage I have about 2 Mm3. When I sticp up the reservoir storage in the results I have about 1 Mm3. Also showing observed volume and storage volume for the same month in 2014, storage volume is twice less than observed volume. For the next years like 2015, 2016,... in the same month storage volume fluctuates, it's can attain twice more than observed volume. So I don't know how to reajust them.
Thank you
Subject: Net evaporation and Storage volume Posted: 3/18/2016 Viewed: 16541 times
Dear Member
I have difficulties on my WEAP project. Net evaporation and storage volume results are so higher than intputs data. They double them. I want to Know WEAP evaluates these parameters. Thank You
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Net evaporation and Storage volume Posted: 3/18/2016 Viewed: 16530 times
Hi Joel,
There are a lot of different things that could be happening to make your results higher. Have you validated the streamflow going into the reservoir? Do you have unmet demand downstream (is there sufficient demand downstream to pull data out of the reservoir?) Do you have reservoir management for your reservoir that determines at what levels water is released?
I recommend following the WEAP tutorial for the activities “Refining the Supply” and “Reservoirs and Power Production.” This will show all the different ways the data for the model can impact how much water collects in the reservoir.