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All Topics | Topic "Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope"
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Mr. Pham Quoc

Subject: Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope   
Posted: 11/21/2015 Viewed: 18195 times
Hello WEAP users
I know that Runoff Resistance Factor related to Leaf Area Index - LAI and Slope. In my catchment, I have data about LAI and Slope, how to calculate Runoff Resistance Factor from them.
Thanks all !

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope   
Posted: 11/23/2015 Viewed: 18180 times
Hi Pham,

I'm going to link you to another thread in the WEAP forum: http://www.weap21.org/index.asp?action=9&read=1952&fID=30. Does this help?
Mr. Quoc Pham

Subject: Re: Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope   
Posted: 11/23/2015 Viewed: 18167 times
Yes. Thank you Stephanie
I already read it before. But it still not really help me.
Mr. Sujit Choudhury

Subject: Re: Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope   
Posted: 2/12/2018 Viewed: 11908 times
But I could not find the answer in the link. Stephanie can you pl help me to calculate the RRF.

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope   
Posted: 2/15/2018 Viewed: 11892 times
Dear Sujit,

The runoff resistance factor is not a calculated value, it is a parameter in an equation that helps to determine surface runoff (see the Soil Moisture Method section in the Help Menu for equations of the Soil Moisture Method). You, as the user, must adjust the values of the RRF so that your runoff produces a quantity of water consistent with your historic flow record. The RRF contributes only to the surface/direct runoff, and the streamflow is a sum of this flow plus interflow and base flow.
Topic "Estimate Runoff resistant factor from Leaf Area Index-LAI and Slope"