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All Topics | Topic "Main River and Tributaries"
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Mr. Abebe Seyoum Ayele

Subject: Main River and Tributaries   
Posted: 8/27/2015 Viewed: 15188 times
I have got daily river flows data from gauging stations for main river and tributaries. The gauging stations are located at different locations over course of the rivers.
My question is which data I must use? is from upstream, middle or downstream gauging stations when entered in to WEAP?

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Main River and Tributaries   
Posted: 9/8/2015 Viewed: 15114 times
Dear Abebe,

Data is a blessing in WEAP - I say use all of it. Create streamflow gauges at each section of the river for which you have data. Then you can import your data into the gauges using the ReadFromFile Wizard. Your data will have to be in particular format, which you can read about by searching "ReadFromFile" in the help menu in WEAP.

Once the data is entered in WEAP, you can examine the years that correspond with your model. I'm assuming you're using a period in the past for calibration. When looking at the streamflows in the results, you can compare the modeled streamflows with the historic data you've entered from the gauging stations, and tweak your model accordingly.
Mr. Abebe Seyoum Ayele

Subject: Re: Main River and Tributaries   
Posted: 9/10/2015 Viewed: 15099 times
Dear Stephanie
Thank You; I will proceed with.
Topic "Main River and Tributaries"