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All Topics | Topic "Problem of water balance in WEAP"
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Mr. a b

Subject: Problem of water balance in WEAP   
Posted: 8/26/2015 Viewed: 17438 times
Dear All;

I am facing probelm in WEAP if the supply is 100 MCM and the Demand is 100 MCM the unmet is greater than 0 ! and the water delivered tab in the result if less than 100 MCM, although the losses supposed to be 0.

Please any body have a glance that lead to solve and thanks .
Dr. Soroosh Alahdin

Subject: Re: Problem of water balance in WEAP   
Posted: 8/26/2015 Viewed: 17428 times
hi dear abedel
1.you need to check "supply delivered" to demand
2.and then subtract from demand if you want to calculate shortage, do it outside weap because its easier(you have to ignore the values greater than zero)
Mr. a b

Subject: Re: Problem of water balance in WEAP   
Posted: 8/27/2015 Viewed: 17387 times
thanks Sir, I solved it by the water supply entry, somthing was wrong, because I tied it with excel.

Thanks in advance
Topic "Problem of water balance in WEAP"