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All Topics | Topic "how to draw lager river"
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Prof. Erick Sedeno Bueno

Subject: how to draw lager river   
Posted: 6/4/2015 Viewed: 19156 times
how to draw large river on the small screen of weap interfaz.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: how to draw lager river   
Posted: 6/10/2015 Viewed: 19101 times
Dear Erick,

The WEAP elements will always appear the same - the river element will not become larger or smaller. However, if you want to make your schematic more recognizable to stakeholders, you can use a GIS layer to show the width of the river. See the Tutorial section about GIS in Data, Results and Formatting module and the Formatting section. Be sure that any GIS layers you want to use are in the WGS84 projection.

Also be sure that once you have the GIS layers in the schematic, you still continue to build and connect the WEAP elements themselves. You can build a reservoir on the picture of your river (GIS layer), but it won't operate as part of the WEAP river unless it's connected to the WEAP river element.
Topic "how to draw lager river"